Newsletters sobre tecnologias e desenvolvimento
Todas as newsletters abaixo são gratuitas!
Nome | Descrição |
BrazilJS | Plataforma multicanal de produção e curadoria de conteúdo com foco nas Comunidades dev |
Filipe Deschamps Newsletter | Notícias de Tecnologia para quem não tem tempo de ler notícias |
Manual do Usuário | A newsletter é a melhor maneira de acompanhar o Manual do Usuário |
Interfaces | o melhor da tecnologia na sua caixa de entrada, toda sexta-feira no seu e-mail |
Pinguins Móveis | Esta é uma newsletter semanal documentando e analisando a marcha do Linux por todos os cantos da eletrônica de consumo - e, portanto, das nossas vidas |
CSS Weekly | Weekly e-mail roundup of CSS articles, tutorials, experiments, and tools curated by Zoran Jambor |
Frontend focus | A once–weekly roundup of the best front-end news, articles and tutorials. HTML, CSS, WebGL, Canvas, browser tech, and more | | Staying informed on the JavaScript ecosystem has never been so entertaining. Delivered every Monday, for free |
Friday Front-end | Front-end development links tweeted daily, emailed weekly |
Javascript Weekly | A newsletter of JavaScript articles, news and cool projects |
Node Weekly | A free, once–weekly e-mail round-up of Node.js news and articles |
Jamstacked | An email update on the evolving JAMstack ecosystem |
Frontend Horse Newsletter | A round-up of the web's best CodePens, websites, and articles, plus the latest Frontend Horse content |
React Status | A weekly roundup of the latest React and React Native links and tutorials |
Daily Dev Tips | I write daily web development tips that help you become a more efficient software developer |
Web Design Weekly | Be the first to know about the latest Web Design and Front-end trends |
Serverless Status | A weekly newsletter on serverless and function-as-a-service (FaaS) architectures and platforms including AWS Lambda and Azure Functions |