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Nome Descrição
BrazilJS Plataforma multicanal de produção e curadoria de conteúdo com foco nas Comunidades dev
Filipe Deschamps Newsletter Notícias de Tecnologia para quem não tem tempo de ler notícias
Manual do Usuário A newsletter é a melhor maneira de acompanhar o Manual do Usuário
Interfaces o melhor da tecnologia na sua caixa de entrada, toda sexta-feira no seu e-mail
Pinguins Móveis Esta é uma newsletter semanal documentando e analisando a marcha do Linux por todos os cantos da eletrônica de consumo - e, portanto, das nossas vidas
CSS Weekly Weekly e-mail roundup of CSS articles, tutorials, experiments, and tools curated by Zoran Jambor
Frontend focus A once–weekly roundup of the best front-end news, articles and tutorials. HTML, CSS, WebGL, Canvas, browser tech, and more Staying informed on the JavaScript ecosystem has never been so entertaining. Delivered every Monday, for free
Friday Front-end Front-end development links tweeted daily, emailed weekly
Javascript Weekly A newsletter of JavaScript articles, news and cool projects
Node Weekly A free, once–weekly e-mail round-up of Node.js news and articles
Jamstacked An email update on the evolving JAMstack ecosystem
Frontend Horse Newsletter A round-up of the web's best CodePens, websites, and articles, plus the latest Frontend Horse content
React Status A weekly roundup of the latest React and React Native links and tutorials
Daily Dev Tips I write daily web development tips that help you become a more efficient software developer
Web Design Weekly Be the first to know about the latest Web Design and Front-end trends
Serverless Status A weekly newsletter on serverless and function-as-a-service (FaaS) architectures and platforms including AWS Lambda and Azure Functions